Over the past few years, we have offered you many products on this web site.
Well this year, we decided to update the interface to make your shopping easier, funnier and quicker!à
As always, Monsieur Emile is dedicated to hair consultation, in salon and boutique, and this online boutique was designed in order to please customer new behaviors.
Therefore, you will find new information, such as ‘’Tips and Tricks’’, Special order form, Salon appointment service and more… but please keep in mind that our mission is still focused on boutiques consultation. Never hesitate to take information from one of our hair styling team, in Laval or in Ile-Perrot and stay confident that Monsieur Emile will always provide you with great pleasure hair styling, color and care information and consultation.
So please join us on this wonderful new adventure, which will evolve in time, always devoted to your satisfaction!